So much to learn from prickly porcupines…

“Anger is naturally triggered when we feel an obstacle to meeting our needs. How do we honor the intelligence within anger, but not get hijacked into emotional reactivity that creates suffering in our individual and collective lives? This talk explores the U-turn that enables us to offer a healing attention to the feelings and unmet needs under anger. Once present with our inner life, we are able to respond to those around us with wisdom, empathy and true strength.”

Awakening through anger – the U-turn to freedom: podcast by Tara Brach

Before going to bed

think of the things you did well and accomplished in a day, rather than beating yourself up about mishaps. It will set your compass needle to getting more things right and let you sleep better.

Reflection in the Saoseosee.

Start with little

To start a challenging task or develop a habit start with little – less even than you can certainly achieve. It will give you the reward of succeeding and the incentive to continue.

Low hanging flowers.

Si rasserenerà

If it isn’t a bright day today, it will be bright tomorrow, and if is isn’t bright tomorrow, it will eventually brighten up.

One of Ümei’s favourite quotes on a house in the Poschiavo.